Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why another blog?

I love to read. As my various interests have changed and evolved through the years, this is one that remains the same; this is the reason why I chose to become an English major (not a perverse and unexplainable lover of grammar, I promise!). One thing I really miss about my college English classes was talking about what I read with other people. Sure, I tell my mom what I am reading (and generally swap/steal books from her on a regular basis) and every once in a while Jeremy will ask what my latest book is about, but I miss really getting into the nitty-gritty stuff of a book. Not necessarily the technical stuff like foreshadowing and point-of-view and symbolism and everything, but what I think about the book, the impact (or lack therof) it is making on my life and on me as a person.

The other reason for this blog is for me to have a record of what I have read. It's something of a journal for me to look back and remember books I loved, those I hated and everything in between.

With all that being said, I can promise that not every book on here will be of great literary merit. I often think that I should spend my time reading books like "Anna Karenina" or "Grapes of Wrath", but those books don't lend themselves very well to being read while blowdrying hair or while my toddler is watching "Phineas and Ferb". So more often than not I read the "junk food" books. This is not to demean those books AT ALL, I enjoy reading them. But just like eating junk food all the time, after a while you start to crave something more substantial and I'll take on something a little more challenging. Enjoy the mix!

Feel free to comment; I would love to hear what you are reading and what you think about what I have said! I apologize in advance for all the book nerdiness that I am sure will crop up now and again.